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Bitcoin is battery

  • The definition of crypto seems be loose and changing
    • Weird internet money -> protocol -> digital gold
    • Can be property, commodity, security, currency
  • How it relates to energy will also changes drastically in the short term
    • The current narrative is that crypto mining is a dangerously large consumer of energy
    • Author believes this will change to crypto mining is driving the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables
  • Iceland has an abundance of renewable energy in the form of geothermal, so they built smelting mills for aluminum to convert their energy into goods to sell
    • In a sense, aluminum is a battery for Iceland's energy
    • Since battery is just a way of shifting both the location and the time-of-use of energy
  • Crypto converts energy into value in the form of an asset (BTC, ETC)
    • Can be moved, transferred and transformed
    • But is there value in this good?
  • Bitcoin battery has the following two properties that can help to build renewable energy systems
    • Always on and permissionless
    • Naturally seeking low-cost electricity
  • Some ways that it can help renewable builds
    • Interconnection queues - bringing renewable energy to use faster
    • Project finance - renewable developers need capital to finance build-outs
    • Geographic issues - renewable energy sources are not where the customer is
    • Timing and grid balance - Bitcoin battery is ready to buy whenever the price is right
    • Underperformance - Bitcoin can be buy when no one else will
    • Cleaning the grid
  • So to summarize, bitcoin battery buys renewable when it is not efficient to be directly used as energy and stores it until it can be transferred back as energy when the right customer needs it. Not sure if this overall is efficient.